Frequently, I hear so many people feel anxiety and stress over their career. Whether they are entering the workforce for the first time or craving change to break the monotony of a grueling 9-5 routine, the facts are clear. Many people feel stuck and lost when it comes to finding a job that fits them. The paradox of choice can be paralyzing and the fear of making a wrong decision keeps people pondering on their next move.
The good news?
You’re not alone.
This article is meant to give you a wide variety of ideas about finding new work you want to pursue.
I think it’s important to hear multiple perspectives on finding ideal work, because there’s no right or wrong way to do it. I hope something inspires you in the videos below!
Tips For Getting The Job You Want
1. Let’s get list happy for a second. Pick whichever list sparks your interest. Make a list of all the things you enjoy or have enjoyed in the past. Make a list of all jobs you ever wanted throughout your lifetime. Make a list of interests you have. Make a list of your strengths and skills that you have and skills you are interested in cultivating. 2. Give yourself time to think about the decisions you make about your future. Give yourself self compassion during this process and remember how everyone’s journey is different. 3. Start side projects that interest you or helps you meet your personal your goal. (In addition to writing this blog and seeing psychotherapy clients, I run social media for my practice, I run social media for a local realtor, and I sell handmade candles online. I have a wide variety of interests, so I don’t limit myself. This keeps my heart full and my interest fresh for each one.) 4. Think about what problems that you can solve through service. What problems do you want to solve?

5. Embrace the vulnerability that comes along with something new. It is scary, but don’t let fear hold you back from trying new things. 6. Use your connections. Network, network, network to learn about opportunities and positions around you. 7. Start hanging out with people who value experiences, personal growth, and learning. 8. Learn by research. Read articles, tutorials, watch YouTube videos, and deep dive into things that interest you. 9. Stop comparing yourself to others. Your journey is unique! 10. Start a podcast, website, or social media platform to interview people in the field you find interesting. 11. Become an asset to your current team. Opportunity, mentorship, and financial compensation follows being an employee with four qualities “generosity (sharing time/talent/energy/credit with others), initiative, forward momentum, and transparency. (Willing to learn from mistakes.)” (Ted Talk: Why You Should Stop Searching For Work You Love) 12. Choose a job based on who you are. What skills do you want to use? What skills are you good at? Now, explore the crossover. This is where the magic happens. (example: writing, teamwork, etc.) What do you want to get out of the workplace? (purpose, etc.) What kind of working environment do you want? 13. Get experience in multiple fields or positions. Why does the culture feel so strongly about “dating around” before we pick the person we marry, but many of us are expected to stick it out at the same job until retirement? (Ted Talk Below: How To Find Your Passion – Emma Rosen)

According to article by Sarah Olden, “The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Career” you need to check out the following books:
Now What? by Nicholas Lore Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron, and Kelly Tieger What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles The Pathfinder by Nicholas Lore Discover What You’re Best At by Linda Gale
How to Find Your Dream Job (When You Don’t Know What You Want) by Elana Gross 9 Questions That’ll Help You Find Your Dream Career by Forbes 5 Steps That Will Uncover Your Dream Job by Laura Garnett How to Choose the Perfect College Major by Kathy Brunner 5 Strategies to Help You Find Your Dream Career by Natalie Bacon